Commonwealth Bank has overhauled its financial literacy program in schools to encourage women to be more financially independent from a younger age so they are empowered to escape domestic violence situations.
Catherine Fitzpatrick, CBA's general manager of government, industry and international affairs, said teaching children about money would included showing "girls that a man is not a plan, and boys that you can't control women through their finances".
The program will promote women as financial decision makers, and explore the gender pay gap and savings gap in retirement so that girls understand they may need to approach their finances differently.
CBA has introduced gender pay equity audits and has set a target to increase the representation of women in executive management and above from 35 per cent, to 40 per cent by 2020. Half the chief executive's direct reports will be women by the end of this year.
The bank's new strategy comes as Australian mining giant BHP Billiton says it wants half its traditionally male-dominated workforce to be women by 2025. Today, less than 17 per cent of BHP's global workforce are female.
"The Commonwealth Bank applauds efforts being made in every sector towards greater inclusion and diversity as this will deliver meaningful social change in Australia," Ms Fitzpatrick said.
"Women currently make up 58 per cent of our workforce and we are committed to increasing women in senior leadership roles across the organisation. As a result of our commitment, the bank has set a number of targets against which it continues to make good progress."
Ms Fitzpatrick said the bank was also addressing domestic violence within its own workforce by providing an extra 10 days of leave to employees who are victims of domestic violence.
"Our aim is to provide a safe place to work," she said.
"We know we really need to talk about the fact that domestic violence comes from a lack of respect for women and the lack of gender equality."
The CBA schools financial literacy program has been updated to champion gender equality to students from a younger age and to encourage younger women to be financially independent.
Ms Fitzpatrick said the bank's Start Smart program, for primary and high school kids in years 1 to 6 and years 7 to 11, reached more than half a million Australian children every year and was "one of the powerful ways we can make a difference".
"We knew that harnessing the power and reach of the Start Smart program to promote gender equality would provide a significant opportunity to teach better savings and spending habits to young people," she said.
"We also know that promoting women's financial independence and improving women's financial security are often crucial steps when leaving a violence relationship."
The schools program encourages students to take part in workshops encouraging positive gender roles. They will also discuss financial inequality between men and women.
The program, being rolled out in the fourth school term this year, will also "incorporate subtle mentions on equal control and responsibility of money within relationships" in workshops.
Mary Barry, chief executive of Our Watch, a national foundation to prevent violence against women and children, said young Australians were largely supportive of equality, but were still more likely to endorse men dominating decision making in relationships. This could affect women's financial security later in life.
"By offering positive representations of women managing money and promoting gender equality, the Start Smart program provides a significant opportunity to support the financial independence of women and girls," she said.
Ms Fitzpatrick said the bank developed a strategy last year to become part of a community movement aiming to end domestic violence in a generation.
She said an organisation as large as CBA, which has more than 45,000 employees, was likely to include people experiencing domestic violence. Perpetrators and victims were likely to be among the bank's workers and customers.
CBA hopes to help end domestic violence by providing a safe place to work, supporting customers in crisis, championing gender equality and financial independence and influencing public policy.
CBA targets:
- 2010: Set a public gender target of 35 per cent of women in positions of executive manager or above, achieved in 2015.
- 2015: Set a new target of 40 per cent for women in the role of executive manager or above by 2020.
- December 2016: 50 per cent of our group executive team will be female.
- 2016: CBA board is now one-third female and from January 2017, Catherine Livingstone will become the new chair of the board.
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