Protesters gather in Martin Place to call for an end to greyhound racing

To the cries of "backflip Baird" and "we back the ban", hundreds of people from around the state have gathered to protest for the ban on greyhound racing to be reinstated.

The protest comes after NSW Premier Mike Baird overturned his initial decision to ban greyhound racing earlier this month after sustained industry backlash and political pressure, admitting he got the decision wrong.

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - OCTOBER 23: Animal lovers and members of the public join together at Martin Place to protest Mike ... SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - OCTOBER 23: Animal lovers and members of the public join together at Martin Place to protest Mike Baird and the State Government's flipback on their decision earlier this year to ban greyhound racing permanently in NSW on October 23, 2016 in Sydney, Australia. (Photo by James Alcock/Fairfax Media) Photo: James Alcock

The industry has now been given once last chance under strict new regulations, including harsh animal cruelty controls and controlled breeding.

Addressing the crowd, NSW Greens MP Mehreen Faruqi said the reasons for why greyhound racing was banned "still remain as valid as they were two months ago".

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - OCTOBER 23: Animal lovers and members of the public join together at Martin Place to protest Mike ... SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - OCTOBER 23: Animal lovers and members of the public join together at Martin Place to protest Mike Baird and the State Government's flipback on their decision earlier this year to ban greyhound racing permanently in NSW on October 23, 2016 in Sydney, Australia. (Photo by James Alcock/Fairfax Media) Photo: James Alcock

"The evidence of animal cruelty and brutality is overwhelming, widespread, systemic and heart wrenching," she said.

"The Greens will keep working with the animal welfare groups and the community who overwhelmingly support the ban, to keep the pressure on and to make sure that we make animal cruelty history."

Animal welfare groups and greyhound rescuers with their dogs were in strong attendance at the event.

The protesters chanted "we back the ban" and "backflip Baird" while holding placards stating "kindness not cruelty."

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - OCTOBER 23: Animal lovers and members of the public join together at Martin Place to protest Mike ... SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - OCTOBER 23: Animal lovers and members of the public join together at Martin Place to protest Mike Baird and the State Government's flipback on their decision earlier this year to ban greyhound racing permanently in NSW on October 23, 2016 in Sydney, Australia. (Photo by James Alcock/Fairfax Media) Photo: James Alcock

Lyn White from Animals Australia, MP Mark Pearson from the Animal Justice Party, Emma Hurst from Animal Liberation NSW also spoke at the event. 

"This is also about the welfare of people. The government have a duty to the people who are trapped in an industry that exercises brutality," said the upper house MP said.

Melissa and John McLelland travelled from Canberra with their former racing greyhounds Frankie and Gigi to attend the rally. 

"Make it strict. Make it so tough for [the greyhound racing industry] to break the rules and if they do make the rules, then they're out," Ms McLelland said.

Lyn White from Animals Australia said that the public should show compassion for the welfare of greyhounds: "We all have a duty to identity and bring to an end human activity that ends indifference to suffering."

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