Dog walkers, be warned.
A household in Sydney's inner west will not tolerate your dog's droppings being dumped in their bin – and their laminated sign proves they mean business: "Stink your own bin out!"
In Bondi, residents are erecting personal street signage to remind motorists that obstructing driveways is as illegal in their suburb as it is elsewhere. Oh, and beware: "Fines $$$$$$$$ apply".
In Coogee, one sarcastic resident is awarding prizes for inconsiderate parking, with this note left on a car windscreen: "Congratulations, you've just won crappiest park of the week." The self-appointed judge didn't stop there, adding: "Why don't you park across three spaces next time. You wanker."
Welcome to Sydney where all we seem to do these days is rub each other up the wrong way.
Once upon a time, neighbours would iron out their differences by exchanging semi-polite, verbal points of view across the back fence. Today, high-density residential living appears to have helped shift the traditional battle zone onto the streets. And when it is not always obvious who your enemy is, nothing nails a point home more effectively than a well-scripted, often anonymous, passive-aggressive note.
According to social researcher Mark McCrindle, this sort of "anonymity" is serving to "break down communities".
"People can bunker down," he said of the trend. "It's the same behaviour we see on social media ... but don't see so much in normal civil interactions. When we are face to face, people aren't nearly as sarcastic or nasty."
While strewn rubbish, loud noise, parking and pet poo are common catalysts for nasty notes, a scribbled curve ball is never too far away.
A fortnight ago, one Sydney author took to social media to reveal that she had been "underpants shamed" by a neighbour who had slipped a note under her door.
Part of it read: "As I transit a lot from my kitchen to the corridor and garden to get fresh air, to tender my plants...the clothe line is in front of my kitchen window, it is very unpleasant to have the private undies of other people's where I can't avoid it. So THIS IS MY REQUEST: Do you mind placing your undies from this unavoidable location to a more invisible location...and also spread less your washing as to give more traffic room for my transit."
A Redfern renter, meanwhile, recently returned home to discover a typed message taped to her door which screamed, in big capital letters, the following: "SHUT YOUR F--KING SECURITY DOORS." Below, the correspondence continued in minuscule font: "They are dangerous to walk into at night."
In Alexandria, one resident has not only set up a security camera that monitors a public nature strip, they erected signage last week, on an adjacent tree, shaming two passing schoolboys who had allegedly tampered with the verge's shrubbery.
The sign, which carries a CCTV image of the teen suspects as well as the time and date of the alleged offence, reads: "Boys...please leave the garden alone."
In Sydney's compact, coastal suburbs, on-street parking has become one of the main sources of simmering tension. Pedestrians in Coogee were recently treated to a lively written exchange that unfolded between two neighbours on the windscreen of one vehicle. "Can you please move this car?" began one resident on an A4 sheet of paper slotted inside a transparent plastic sleeve. They then added the following suggestion: "If you plan to not use your car then maybe park it somewhere else. There are not many spots available to residents."
Before long a reply appeared, on the same windscreen and in the same plastic sleeve carrying the original letter. "No," it began sharply. "I'm a resident like yourself ... I also own the car and pay insurance for the car thus obliging me to park the car as close to my residence as possible to avoid any potential liability. It happened to be the only spot available on the day. Do you own the road?"
While neighbourly grievances are often well-founded, Mr McCrindle believes that, behind the venomous notes and social media posts, "we really get a sense of the angst and frustration that is modern, busy, stressful, life. They are outlets that show what's going on below the surface," he said.
He points out that, far from being an issue restricted to tightly crammed streets and suburbs, the notes are indicative of "modern Australian life".
"We see them in workplaces as well. These signs appear in staff kitchens, beside the photocopier and all sorts of places. And it does get quite intense."
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