Cocaine smuggling ring used quad bike tyres, flash yacht, fishing boats

An alleged multi-million-dollar drug smuggling ring smashed by police on Christmas Day used quad bike tyres to hide one shipment but allegedly made no attempt to conceal their biggest – a 606-kilogram haul of cocaine on a Panama yacht.

The syndicate of 15 men, comprising several commercial fishermen, former NRL star John Tobin and flashy eastern suburbs entrepreneur Darren John Mohr, were arrested this week in the largest bust in Australian history.

Fijian-Australian businessman Mohammed Shaheed Khan was acquitted over involvement in the Fiji drug importation. Fijian-Australian businessman Mohammed Shaheed Khan was acquitted over involvement in the Fiji drug importation. Photo: Baljeet Singh/The Fiji Times

Fairfax Media can reveal an Australian father, Ethan Kai, 35, is also serving 15 years in a Fiji prison for attempting to export 32 kilograms of heroin in the group's first alleged attempted shipment in December 2014.

An Australian-Fijian businessman Mohammed Shaheed Khan was acquitted in Fiji's High Court last year.

Three South Americans are also in custody in France over a failed bid to export 606 kilograms of cocaine to Sydney from Ecuador via Tahiti in February. 

Police will allege the Sydney syndicate, headed by a commercial fishing boss, would send vessels out to sea to meet a larger ship carrying drug shipments from South America.

However, every shipment was monitored by NSW Police, Australian Federal Police and Australian Border Force after a tip-off to the NSW Drugs Squad in July 2014 from a member of the public. All five attempts failed.

In the first attempt, the heroin travelled to Fiji from Bangkok via Laos. Kai then travelled from Hong Kong to Fiji and bought a set of knives to slash the four quad bike tyres and hide the drugs, the High Court of Fiji found.

Australian father Ethan Kai (left) was sentenced to 15 years in prison by Fiji's High Court. Australian father Ethan Kai (left) was sentenced to 15 years in prison by Fiji's High Court. Photo: Baljeet Singh/The Fiji Times

However, authorities found 80 packets of heroin inside the consignment of tyres before it left Fiji's Lautoka wharf.

In another attempt in February, a Panama-flagged yacht named Vague a L'ame, French for melancholy, was intercepted by the French Polynesia Armed Forces near Tahiti.

The Dalrymplye fishing vessel is raided at the Brooklyn Marina. The Dalrymplye fishing vessel is raided at the Brooklyn Marina. Photo: NSW Police Media

It had travelled from Ecuador bound for Australia but had been under surveillance by US and French authorities since its departure.

The drug packages of 30 kilograms each "were not concealed in any way", senior commander of the armed forces, Rear Admiral Bernard-Antoine Morio De L'isle, said at the time.

AFP officers stand guard over some of the 500 kilograms of cocaine seized during the Christmas Day bust in NSW. AFP officers stand guard over some of the 500 kilograms of cocaine seized during the Christmas Day bust in NSW. Photo: Kate Geraghty

In both attempts, its alleged the Sydney syndicate's commercial fishing vessel still travelled out to sea but returned empty-handed.

Another attempted shipment was thwarted because the syndicate punched in the wrong GPS co-ordinates and couldn't find the larger ship. And in another one, an innocent captain became aware he was part of a smuggling plot and abandoned ship.

Darren Mohr was arrested for his alleged involvement in the cocaine smuggling ring. Darren Mohr was arrested for his alleged involvement in the cocaine smuggling ring. Photo: Rachel Olding

Their fifth and final alleged attempt ended at 8pm on Christmas Day when police pounced on three men as they unloaded 500 kilograms of cocaine from a small dinghy at the Parsley Bay boat ramp on the NSW Central Coast.

Fisherman and one-time brothel owner Simon Spero, 56, fisherman and father-of-four Reuben John Dawe, 41, and Ulladulla fishing boss Joseph "Joe" Pirrello, owner of Seafish Tasmania, were arrested.

Cocaine packages seized at Parlsey Bay. Cocaine packages seized at Parlsey Bay. Photo: NSW Police

Three more members, including former Eastern Suburbs Roosters player Mr Tobin, 57, were arrested when police raided a commercial fishing vessel named Dalrymple, docked at the nearby Brooklyn Marina.

It's alleged the Dalrymple was monitored heading out to sea then returning with the cocaine and transferring it to the dinghy.

Nine other men were arrested in Sydney, Brisbane, Hobart and Ulladulla on the NSW south coast.

They included fisherman brothers Michael and Francesco "Frankie" Pirrello, from Ulladulla, Double Bay businessman Richard "Rick" Lipton, 37, and Mr Mohr, 42, the former owner of the Bondi Rescue HQ cafe who showed off a love of power boats, motorbikes and exotic cars on his social media profiles.

The crew's two largest alleged shipments had a street value of $360 million. All men have been refused bail on charges of importing or conspiracy to import drugs.

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