HSC 2016 First in Course awards announced

As Year 12 students across the state await their HSC results tomorrow, 124 got the good news a few days early: they had topped the state in a subject. 

Among the high achievers recognised at an award ceremony at the Australian Technology Park on Wednesday, Sydney Grammar School had seven students top a subject this year; followed by selective schools Fort Street and James Ruse with four each. 

HSC students who topped a subject this year with education minister Adrian Piccoli. HSC students who topped a subject this year with education minister Adrian Piccoli.  Photo: Edwina Pickles

Five students received a First in Course award for two courses.

Read the full list here. 

In contrast with 2015 where girls dominated the First in Course awards, there was a roughly even split between boys and girls in this year's list. 

And of the 124 top place-getters, 34 were from government and 40 from non-government schools. 

Six students from six different schools shared the top spot in Mathematics. 

Minister for Education Adrian Piccoli presented 129 certificates to 124 students from 74 NSW schools.

"This is a very proud day for all the students who have achieved a First in Course result, as well as for their families and their teachers," Mr Piccoli said. 

More to come

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