One of the state's most notorious killers has made a last ditch attempt to be released from jail, declaring that he is willing to undergo chemical castration to diminish his levels of arousal after being repeatedly diagnosed a sexual sadist.
After spending more than three decades behind bars for the brutal murders of four people, Samuel Leonard Boyd, 61, this week told court he was a devoted Christian, had an on-off relationship with a woman and had not had any deviant fantasies.
In a 48-page handwritten note also presented to a judge, Boyd wrote that he had been continuously "searching for answers" about what motivated his sexually violent murders where he denigrated, humiliated and tortured entirely helpless women.
"But why the sexual aspect? Did I feel like a failure to sexually satisfy women? Myself? Or both?" Boyd wrote in the note.
Boyd was working as a pest exterminator and living with his mother in Busby when he was hired by his first victim, mother of two Rhonda Celea, 27, to carry out work on her home in September 1982.
He slashed her throat, and her naked body was found lying in a hallway with a child's dress over her face and her underwear, pantyhose and dress around her.
About seven months later, Boyd murdered Gregory Wiles, 27, who he had been drinking with in a bar in Liverpool. Mr Wiles was found on the side of the road with severe injuries consistent with a hammer blow to his head and his trousers were pulled down around his knees.
That same day Boyd went to the Glenfield Park Special School, where his mother had previously been employed and which had dormitories for boys and girls. He terrorised three women at knife point who worked there as supervisors.
He forced the women to undress, perform sex acts on him and each other, bound their hands and feet and walked up and down from one victim to another slashing and stabbing each in turn in the neck. Two women, Patricia Volcic and another who can not be named for legal reasons, were stabbed to death. A third, Olive Short, amazingly survived.
Boyd, then 29, was found guilty by a jury and sentenced to five consecutive life terms of imprisonment in 1985 for the four murders and the malicious wounding of Mrs Short. At the time there was a system of releasing prisoners on parole at the discretion of the executive government.
But since "truth in sentencing" legislation was introduced in 1989 "life has meant life" in NSW, with no prospect of parole.
Prisoners who were sentenced to life before this legislation under the previous system of release on licence were permitted to apply to the Supreme Court to have a minimum sentence determined, allowing them to potentially become eligible for parole.
The legislative scheme was again amended significantly in 2008, giving prisoners only one chance at having their life sentences determined.
In a front of a court room packed with his victims' family members, Boyd made the one attempt he has to have a release date set on Friday. If he is unsuccessful he will serve his existing sentence in jail for the term of his natural life.
Entering the witness box under oath, Boyd said he would be willing to take anti-libidinal medication to lower his testosterone and level of arousal.
Asked why he thought the medication might help him he replied: "If my libido is a problem, as the court deems it is, then it has to be addressed".
Boyd has denied being sexually excited by violence against women, and he told the court he had not had any fantasies of sadistic behaviour since he was incarcerated.
For more than two decades, he said, he had been a Christian and had an on-off relationship with a woman he had met while in prison.
"I've tried to embrace the Christian philosophy in how I should conduct my life in matters of everyday living," he said.
Boyd has always claimed that he did not murder Mrs Celea, and that he has no recollection of the other three murders. When he first was jailed, he blamed cannabis and pesticides.
But in his submissions to the judge, Boyd said he had spent much time reflecting "on the reason why I did these terrible things".
"When I came to prison and for many years to come, I had a huge problem accepting the responsibility of my actions that lead to the death of three people," he wrote in a handwritten note tendered in court.
"While at this time I am still unable to explain what actually happened on that night-morning, I am responsible. Those people suffered by my actions, hands, my doing."
The court heard that the Corrective Services Commissioner had determined that Boyd was a moderate to high risk of sexual reoffending.
Two forensic psychiatrists gave evidence that because of Boyd's either real or feigned amnesia about the Glenfield Park school murders, there were gaps in understanding what motivated his actions and it made it difficult to determine the likelihood of him reoffending with any precision.
"There has been more effort in fact to speculate about his motivations and drives by external parties than has been expressed or pursued by Mr Boyd himself," Dr Diamond said.
Crown prosecutor Huw Baker said Boyd's murders fell into the "worst category" and showed an "extreme degree of callousness and brutality". Mr Baker submitted the court should reject his application to set a specified term for his sentence and he should never be released from jail.
"The cruelty exhibited and the pain and indignities inflicted on the victims was such that the applicant could not have attached any value whatsoever to the lives he took," Mr Baker said.
Boyd's barrister Philip Strickland, SC, argued that a refusal to set a non-parole period would be an extreme step as it would would extinguish hope permanently.
"If over 34 years he had made no progress, he had denied all offences, he had shown no commitment to do any rehabilitation, that would be a factor, a strong factor in refusing this application but that is not the case," Mr Strickland said.
Mr Strickland told the court that Boyd, who moved to Australia from Scotland with his family aged 11 and came to the notice of police soon afterwards, had experienced a troubled childhood which involved "profound deprivation" including alleged sexual abuse at the hands of his own mother.
Family members of the victims also wrote statements outlining the suffering they had endured, which had been revived by Mr Boyd's attempt to get a release date.
"I was 10 years old, turning 11 in August, and I will never forget the look on my dad's face when he told us mum was never coming home and that a bad man had done something to her," Mrs Volic's daughter, Emma, wrote.
Justice Peter Johnson has reserved his decision and will deliver a judgment next year. If Boyd is given a parole date, it will be NSW parole board that will determine whether he qualifies for release at that time.
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