Over a year after the Name Your Ferry competition was launched, Transport NSW has announced the name of the final ferry in its new fleet: Ferry McFerryFace.
Sydneysiders were encouraged to vote on names for the new ferries through the Name Your Ferry website and using the #yourferry hashtag.
Ferry McFerryFace was actually the second most popular choice, however, with the most votes going to Boaty McBoatFace, the name of a British research vessel.
"Given Boaty was already taken by another vessel, we've gone with the next most popular name nominated by Sydneysiders," said Minister for Transport and Infrastructure Andrew Constance, the ABC reported.
Three of the new ferries have already been named by the public, paying homage to notable Australians Victor Chang, Fred Hollows and Catherine Hamlin.
Just hours after the competition was launched in 2016 the winning name was already showing popularity on social media.
But following the announcement, not everyone is able to see the funny side.
"It was funny when the Brits proposed Boaty McBoatface. It was still funny when the Swedes used Trainy McTrainface. Sadly the joke is wearing thin now though, and Ferry McFerryface just doesn't roll off the tongue as easily," one Facebook user wrote.
"I thought we named ferries after people who deserve recognition, now this ferry name just makes a mockery of those Australians who names grace the rest of the fleet," wrote another.
Ferry McFerryFace joins the ranks of Trainy McTrainFace, a Swedish express train, Horsey McHorseFace, a Sydney racehorse and Boaty McBoatFace, which started the trend when following a naming poll the name became an internet sensation.
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