Column 8

Some interesting solutions to gender signage for toilets (C8) have been sighted. A distinctive Queensland take on the matter – toilet doors with signs Mangoes and No Mangoes were observed by both Marcia Horvai of Pennant Hills and Maurice Collins of Wollongbar. Llewellyn Dickeson of Culburra Beach was in a restaurant in Puno, Peru that had a novel solution to gender neutral toilets. "There were three doors, one for Women, one for Men and in between them one labelled Liberal with the graphic of a llama instead of the usual female/male figure."

"A sign on the bar of my local bowling club tells me a pie is $3, but I'm going to suggest they charge an extra 14¢ , just for the fun of it," writes George Manojlovic of Mangerton. "Then perhaps they can discount the 14¢ to any perceptive person whose penny drops."

The amusement our wonderful hospital workers can get out of their medical knowledge even after long, exhausting shifts is a joy to behold. Following the DNR ambulance sightings (C8) Tess Osborne of West Pymble was stuck in traffic on her way home from a shift at the hospital, and "noticed the number plates of the cars around her: HPU, BNO and NFR, which in hospital speak are Has Passed Urine, Bowels Not Open and Not For Resuscitation." Tess says she saw them in that order too.

Andrew Constance's likening of the Central Station redevelopment to "open heart surgery" has caused Stephanie Edwards of Roseville some concern. "Has he now been appointed Minister for Transplantation?"

There is much mirth to be found in printing industry terminology (C8), however Richard Stewart of Pearl Beach reminds us that all trades have their fun traditions, such as "the boss instructing the apprentice: get me the left handed Phillips screwdriver from the tool box, and 6 four inch sky hooks."

"After a regular blood screening I was told I was Vitamin D deficient," writes Mike Cowlishaw of Gordon. "When I mentioned this to friends I discovered that they too had suddenly become Vitamin D deficient. Is there a surplus of Vitamin D tablets on the market at the moment?"

Col Shephard of Yamba wonders if race callers rehearse their lines. "In the first race at Warwick Farm on Wednesday, Roosevelt hit the lead about 200 metres from the finish and held on to win. The race caller remarked: "Roosevelt, like Trump on Twitter, wouldn't give up'."

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