Thousands of free pill testing kits will be distributed at Sydney's summer music festivals this summer.
But as politicians, law enforcement, health officials and drug experts continue to clash over the most ethical and effective harm reduction options available, a central voice continues to be drowned out.
Fairfax Media spoke to young people about whether a professionally run pill testing trial – or free pill testing kits – should commence at music festivals in NSW. If so, why?
Speaking on the condition of anonymity, this was their feedback.
A different approach is desperately needed
I'm a strong believer in pill testing as there is clear evidence from research conducted across Europe that it has the benefits of sharply reducing risk, changing negative behaviours and ultimately saving young peoples' lives.
The last four decades has seen the war on drugs escalate continuously, and yet in the past couple of years we have seen numerous ecstasy related deaths at festivals across Australia.
This is despite a multitude of government-funded educational programs and advertising campaigns advising young Australians about the associated risks of ecstasy and other party drugs, which evidently have been either largely ineffective or completely ignored as the prevalence of drug use has continued more or less unabated.
Clearly a different approach is desperately needed, and I think that harm reduction measures that put festival attendees' health and safety first are a far better solution than using taxpayer money to prosecute young people in large numbers in the hopes that the fear of being arrested will reduce drug use.
The idiocy of the government's current approach to dealing with young people and drugs is further compounded by the fact that alternative programs such as pill testing are cheap, have been repeatedly proven to be far more effective at saving lives than purely preventative measures and could be easily implemented by following the European example, if only the government were to look past its ideological convictions and instead allow for festivals to prioritise safety and harm reduction.
Finally, I find it appallingly hypocritical that in a country such as Australia, where we spend hundreds of millions of dollars annually on an inhumane border policy to supposedly "save lives at sea", we aren't prepared to take even the most elementary of steps in trying to save the lives our own youth.
Jack, 21
I can't imagine police supporting testing
When I first heard about the idea of pill testing being legalised in New South Wales, rather than excitement I felt sad.
I watched my friends happily discuss how much safer it could be. The idea of testing what you were taking, actually knowing that the drugs you'd bought were safe, seemed amazing to them. But it wasn't something I could easily imagine.
I'm a law student currently working as a paralegal for a criminal law firm. During the week I sort through the files of the clients who've sought our help. Many of them are young people who have been caught with small quantities of prohibited drugs at music events. I can't help but skim through the facts, recognising the venues, the festivals and sometimes the names of the people who've been caught. They come to us terrified and embarrassed, they pay thousands of dollars in legal fees, and if they're lucky, go home without a criminal record. It's a cycle that I've gotten used to; that the system has gotten used to. I often wonder about the kids who can't afford to come to a firm like this one and seek proper legal help.
It wasn't just this job that opened my eyes to the NSW Police Force's conservative attitude towards drug taking. Entering a music festival in New South Wales feels similar to passing through a high-security airport, if it could feel more threatening. I've watched my friend be pulled away and strip-searched, when all she was carrying was a bottle of water. The attitude seems always to be one of "us" against "them." Taking drugs is not accepted, and therefore the only treatment one can receive for taking them is punishment. When the drugs are bad or too strong and somebody dies, ultimately the fault is on us. We risked our lives and therefore paid the price.
What nobody seems to get though is that people don't go to a music festival intending to die. They go to get high, to have a good time in the sun with their friends. Overwhelmingly that is what they end up doing. Almost all drug-related deaths at festivals occur for two reasons: because somebody takes all their drugs beforehand to avoid being caught, or they take something dangerous by accident.
Although I've tried, I can't marry the idea of pill testing, and the attitude of the NSW police force towards drugs, in my head. I can't imagine the same police who have brutally thrown my friends in the dirt for having a couple of pills turning a blind eye to a pill-testing tent. Something will have to change before they're ready for something so sensible. I hope that change comes soon though, because something that even the government can't deny is that pill testing saves lives. For now at least it seems obvious that young people aren't going to stop taking drugs. The attitude of punishment needs to be changed into one of protection.
Julie, 21
Cutting agents the danger, not MDMA
Effective pill testing is something I'd love to see at festivals to eliminate the anxiety I have taking MDMA, and being around other people who have.
If I was able to test my pills/capsules before use to test what was in them, I'd be happy, but I'm less concerned with testing their strength.
The individual kits to me sound like a poor idea, because the strength of the MDMA is not of chief concern.
Since the possible adverse effects of MDMA itself are easily countered by drinking water and taking breaks to sit down, both things I'm able to do easily, I would only test pills for MDMA strength if I were to be concerned about value for money.
This would only be the case if I were starting to buy from a new dealer that I didn't trust.
I would much prefer testing for my pills that showed what the pingers are actually cut with.
Right now, the way that I trust the purity and cleanness of my drugs is through looking at the colour of the crystals inside (yellow usually means speed, so I steer clear), their size, and finally by taking them.
This is not currently a concern for me as I have a trusted dealer, but my chief worry taking pills is that I might be given something containing something poisonous or a different more dangerous drug (namely speed).
If I tested my drugs and found out that they had potentially harmful cutting products in them, I would definitely not take them.
If I saw that they were weak, I might reconsider, I might not.
What people disconnected from the MDMA scene should understand about pills is that people who take them are able to maintain normal lives, and that their use is widespread amongst young people in many sections of society.
Much like steroids, there is far more of this illegal drug in the community than most think, because though there is harm, the harm is relatively low.
I was at ListenOut Festival at the beginning of October. The police sniffer dogs at the entrance did not detect the water balloon with three capsules of MDMA in my mouth, nor did they detect the pills in the clothing or other bodily cavities of my friends and other festivalgoers.
After the festival, SMH published a piece on the festival, detailing the police report of 120 or so arrested for drug offences, and another 120 treated for drug-related illness by paramedics. Only several people of the 25,000 that went were hospitalised.
Now, with the amount of people I saw gnashing away on chewing gum, giving each other massages or gulping down water while they wore sunglasses to cover dinner-plate pupils, I find it impossible to believe a statement from the police superintendent that the vast majority of those there were able to enjoy the event without drugs.
In the same way that one can socialise with friends over coffee or drinks, one can go to these festivals with or without getting on, and thousands of people would've taken thousands of pills in Centennial Park that day.
What we need to make MDMA-taking truly safe, to me, is legalisation and strict regulation on its production.
Pill testing stations that allow one to see if their drugs are cut with anything harmful, and public education on how to use these drugs would at least help to significantly reduce deaths or adverse illness.
The biggest obstacle is how drug users can't be open about what they do and why they want to do it.
Its hilarious to me that in the nation with the highest use of ecstasy per capita, my parents and the older generations know nothing about the drugs and that baby boomers in power implement strategies like sniffer dogs when it so obviously doesn't work.
In the same way that someone who has drunk for a while knows to eat and drink water, experienced MDMA users know how to cope with the adverse effects of over-indulgence in the drug with little harm. What is causing harm is inexperience and poor education and dangerous cutting agents.
Samuel, 20
Testing is about safety
I really can't see any negative consequences that could come of incorporating pill testing at festivals.
The reality is that more people are arrested for drug possession at music festivals every year, the statistics are actually staggering.
These people know that the sniffer dogs will be there, and they might face arrest, but for the majority of them that isn't a big enough of a deterrent.
If the Australian government really wants its young people to be safe, they need to create strategies to make sure that if people are taking recreational drugs, they are able to do so in a safe, non-threatening environment.
That means pill testing stations, good access to water and shade, and no sniffer dogs.
I think the biggest fear that comes with this is "if we send the message that it's OK to take drugs at festivals then more people are going to start doing it".
This simply isn't the case. The people that want to do drugs have always, and will always find a way to make it possible. The government needs to accept this, and put their focus in looking after drug users rather than demonising their behaviour.
Maddie, 21
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